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All Chinks are Custom Made per Your Specifications
Our chinks are made with your choice of color in glove soft cow hide. The glove soft hide is very soft yet strong. We prefer glove soft because it is comfortable and form fitting.
Base Price Chinks Include:
Your Choice of 2 straps that buckle around the leg with 1/2″ roller buckles -or- 2 straps with Clips and D rings that fasten arround the leg.
Fully stamped chink tops (yokes) and leg plates. Your choice of stamping several choices available. (See stamping samples tab)
These chinks will fasten around the waste with a buckle belt on the back. This belt is lined with matching color soft chap leather and sewn. A roller buckle placed on the left side.
The Front is fastened with a tie string (thin leather thong) You may upgrade to a small buckle belt. (see customization & options tab).
Floral Chicago screws on the leg plates. (we have have 3 choices of concho add-ons)
Long fringe.
Xtra Large or Oversize Orders will be subject to an Upcharge
Our chinks are very functional and stylish. Since we make these here in our shop possibilities are endless, contact us if you have a special request. Please Read below for a listing of options and further description. Several examples of our work below.
Fit We believe that fringe should extend to just short of the top of your boot, we use the out-seam (length) measurement to achieve this. If you would like your fringe to fall shorter on your leg please provide us with a shorter out-seam measurement.
Tooling/Stamping & Strap Leather
Only the best is used on the tooled belt tops, leg plates and back belts. Herman Oak, 9/10-10/11 oz. Herman Oak is the #1 Choice for leather crafters around the world and works great for us.
Chap Leather
For warmer climates most prefer the lighter weight glove soft hide. Weight may vary between 3.5 to 4.5oz. For those in colder climates we can get heavier weighted leather with the same glovey feel, this leather falls in the 5 – 6oz. weight range. Please Specify Below.
Generally we build most of our chinks in traditional colors, such as Butter/Tan, Chocolate (Dark Brown), Cream, Tobacco (Brown/Clay). Click Here For Color Samples. Due to the hide market color availability may vary and is subject to change. We’re also happy to send you samples of colors we currently have available. Although; a wide variety of other colors are also available upon request; these colors may require an additional charge.
Customization & Addons
Customization & AddonsBack Belt– You have the option of adding a laced in tooled belt, (tooled to match the chink tops and leg plates) See cost in order form. . (1-1/4″ strap belt with roller buckle included in base price).
Front Belt- Ad a doubled and sewn 1/2″ belt and roller buckle. See cost in order form. (tie string and grommets included in base price)
Chink Tops- You have your choice of Three styles of chink tops (included in base price)
Top Style 1Top Style 2Top Style 3Leg Plates- You have your choice of three styles of leg plates (included in base price)
Leather Tooling/Stamping- the Base Price includes Fully stamped tops & leg plates. Choices of stamping includes, several types of basket stamping, geometric, crazy, and daisy stamping. You may also upgrade Basket Stamp w/Corner Flower Example -or- Fully Flower Carved Example. See cost in order form.
Conchos- The base price includes floral Chicago screws, however you may upgrade to:
Antiqued nickel silver conchos (6)
Hand engraved silver overlaid conchos
Pocket- You may choose to add a pocket to the right or left leg for an additional cost. See cost in order form.
Custom Brands, or initials.The Very Popular Two toned fringe, Sewn on Fringe, and the Punched and Sewn Fringe Line Boarder, with accents also available please contact us for price quotes.
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